Immobilien Fotografie & Werbung
12-34 Media
12-34 Media
With a passion for photography and architectural background, 12-34 Media represents a fusion of closely related arts, creating, envisioning and capturing space as something much more than just white walls. The love towards living space makes it really easy to find and capture the best aspects of every property.
Our goal is to provide consistent, high quality visual embodiments of your real estate, whether it is for advertising or memorable purposes, and to deliver it in a short time frame to ensure efficiency, as we appreciate time as a valuable resource.
Petar Uljarevic, BSc, Founder
Click on images to open full gallery
Wohnzimmer, Wohnung, Miete, Kaufen, Wien, Foto, Fotografie, Apartment, Werbung
12-34 Elektro e.U
12-34 Media
Geschäftsführer: Herr Petar Uljarevic,BSc
Hofmanngasse 3-5/2/6
1180 Wien
Tel.: +43 676 963 1234
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 451500x
Firmensitz: Wien, Österreich
Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
UID Nr.: ATU 71119112